Serena Software has recently released Prototype Composer 2.4 – a tool for prototyping dataflow, processes, activities and user interfaces. The tool also proposes functionality for managing projects which is quite simple but probably enough for small projects. Prototype Composer supports export to MS Word, collaborative work (e.g. prototype sharing, review requests and reviews), and integration with larger systems by Serena and Microsoft VSTS.
The user interface prototyping tool almost repeats one by Axure. It is convenient for building both wireframes and graphically rich UI prototypes.
The largest disadvantage I was able to find so far is absence of wizards and sample projects.
Prototype Composer home page (Downloading the tools requires submission of a short form.)
List of screen mockup prototyping tools (I’m the lucky one who added Prototype Composer there).
Is it cross-platform?
I'm afraid no. As their download page says, it "[...] runs on Microsoft Windows 2000 or XP".
Hey Nikita,
Off topic comment here as I can't find a way to contact you. I hope you don't mind. You can delete this anyhow. :)
Just saw that you linked to Wayne Liew Dot Com and my guess is that you have been reading the blogging tips there.
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Have a nice day, Nikita.
Serena has released PC 2009 R1
It is an amazing tool that I have ever used
Hi, you can help me ?
Where I find a tutorial or samples of Serena prototye Composer ?
Thank you.
Hi Luis,
I hope this link will be useful:
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